Happy to announce Daniel’s Towing and Recovery will be at the Revvolution Defcon 1 Reloaded August 10th, 2019 – August 11th, 2019 located in the Colorado Air and Space Port starting at 12pm.
Author: admin
Winter Driving in the Rockies: It can happen any minute
Winter Driving in the Rockies: It can happen any minute
In Colorado it is not unusual for weather to change quickly, so be prepared and drive safe.

- Make sure your brakes, windshield wipers, defroster, heater and exhaust system are in top condition.
- Check your antifreeze and be ready for colder temperatures. You may want to add special solvent to your windshield washer reservoir to prevent ice from forming.
- Always carry chains. Make sure they are the proper size for your tires and are in working order. You might want to take along a flashlight and chain repair links.
- Other suggested items to carry in your car are an ice scraper or commercial de-icer, a broom for brushing snow off your car, a shovel to free your car if it is “snowed in”, sand or burlap for traction if your wheels should become mired in snow and an old towel to clean your hands.
- Allow enough time. Trips to the mountains can take longer during winter that other times of the year, especially if you encounter storm conditions or icy roads. Get an early start and allow plenty of time to reach your destination.
- Make sure you have your battery checked.
Here at Daniel’s Towing and Recovery your safety is very important to us, so please drive with caution. And remember to store our phone number and website in your iphone or cellular device.
All The Best !
Spring Driving Conditions: Don’t take Anything for Granted!
There’s a saying in Colorado Springs, the only thing you should take for granted is Pikes Peak, but that’s granite.
I can’t imagine leaving the house without a jacket this time of year. Last week we saw dramatic shifts in temperature. One day the temperature reached 84 degrees, hours later it was 28 degrees. What does that mean for your car, for road conditions and you?
Unless you never check or change your oil and let your fluids evaporate, the actual stress on modern cars and batteries is limited, but it is always a good idea to make sure that you maintain proper fluid levels and keep your vehicle well-lubricated at all times. As we mentioned last year, your car’s longevity depends on it. Checking the fluids regularly helps safeguard against breakdown, mechanical damage, and even possible accidents. Learn to check your car’s fluids yourself and do it often. Once you get the hang of it, it will not take long. Check your owner’s manual. It typically tells you when fluids must be checked and we suggest you mark your calendar to remind you, especially if you do not frequently check your fluids.
The dramatic shift in spring temperatures, however, can create the worst road conditions imaginable. Rain that quickly freezes and becomes ice, is a driver’s nightmare. Last year, a slight hill on Powers Road in eastern Colorado Springs made national news. One car after another reached the summit of the hill, only to slide back down into a massive smash up, a slow-motion demolition derby that only our body shop friends can appreciate. The bigger the car, the worse the slide and all-wheel drive, four-wheel drive and traction control were rendered useless. It was a bit like watching lemmings jump off a cliff. The fact that no one was effective in warning drivers against driving up the suicidal hill is another story and says something about human nature that I care not to elaborate here. Let’s just say the schadenfreude was running rampant. Nevertheless, there will be accidents during these wet to ice conditions, and you need a towing service that you can trust, and someone that will get there quickly. Typically, this is the busiest time for towing companies, but it’s no time for your trusted towing company to cop an attitude.
Now the final question is what does spring mean to the driver? It means don’t take anything for granted. Bring a coat and have your phone charged. Who plans on having an accident or a car breakdown? In short, take down our phone number before you hit the road, 719-306-8126, because you never know when you will need a reliable, trustworthy towing company to get you out of a jam and get you and your vehicle to safety.
Winter Driving Advice: Take it Easy
At Daniels Towing we see a lot of crazy things on the road especially during these wintry months. We know the world doesn’t stop just because it’s winter, but here’s a little common sense advice:
- Allow for extra time
- Do not tailgate, be courteous, and assume the driver in front of you just might be nervous, or has already seen several accidents. In the winter, you can’t be too cautious
- Do not assume because you have all-wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, or studded snow tires, that you will not slide or lose control
- Bring warm clothes with you, even if you’re driving a short distance, you never know what you may encounter on the road, the Boy Scout Moto: Be Prepared goes along way in the winter
- If you do have mechanical problems and need a tow, go with a trusted tow company. If you’re in Colorado, call Daniel at: 719-306-8126
- And most importantly, breathe. A little patience goes a long way and all inconveniences can be overcome
Meet the Newest Member of the Family: The Flatbed: Why Flatbed Towing?
Meet the Newest Member of the Family: The Flatbed: Why Flatbed Towing?

Certain vehicles require flatbed towing. To avoid costly damage to sensitive drivelines, especially the AWD (All-Wheel-Drive) systems, such as GM Versa-trak, Chrysler Selectrack, Subaru AWD and Audi Quattro, we strongly suggest flatbed towing. (For many vehicles, manufacturers specify their vehicles may only be safely towed on a flatbed truck).
Vehicles equipped with ride levelers, air shocks, and other computer controlled suspension parts may be damaged by controlled suspension parts may be damaged by other means of towing.
Our steel bed carrier is equipped with a 4 wheel tie down system, proven to be extremely effective in safely transporting any type of vehicle and the four wheel strap system allows the suspension to do its job unimpeded.
Although our traditional tow truck is safe and often efficient for many cases, we offer the flatbed for those other instances. You can count on Daniel’s Towing to give your vehicle the treatment it needs for a safe and professional move.
Towing Colorado Springs
Daniel’s Towing is blogging now , and would like to use our first blog to express our sincere gratitude to all who has used our towing service ,and to all of our great team of associates who have helped make us stand out from the crowd. We would also like to express a big thank you to all at Google as well . Have a happy healthy holiday season, and remember if you must drink please don’t drive.
The Hot APP for Colorado Motorists on the Go: Introducing ITOW COLORADO
The Hot APP for Colorado Motorists on the Go: Introducing ITOW COLORADO
We are pleased to provide our streamlined site made specifically for the Iphone and the Itouch. We also have designed the site to work on most mobile phones as well. Visit ITOWCOLORADO.COM